Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This was the one and only time we got to take Maverik out in the snow. I think Adam had more fun than Maverik though, he was breaking in his new sled. :) Hopefully it will snow again and we'll be able to have some real fun in the snow with Mav.
Here are the very few pictures we got of Maverik opening his presents. Unfortunately we didn't have a lot of time for him to open his presents on Christmas morning, but he wasn't too interested in opening all of them anyway. Adam did get a good shot of Lucky climbing up the Christmas tree for the last time this year before we took it down though...
We didn't get very many pictures this year, but here's some good ones of Maverik and his new "favorite" Uncle Justin playing with once of the huge sacks that his Christmas presents came in. They were cracking me up and Maverik asked about his Uncle Justin for the next 3 days afterwards. I wish we lived closer to Adam's side of the family, we really miss them throughout the year. :(

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We finally took Maverik to the dentist today... After we found out Whitlee had a couple cavities and I got nervous. :) I'm not real good at keeping Maverik's teeth brushed. He did so good!!! I was so impressed. The dentist and hygenist were so good with him and made him very comfortable. I couldn't have asked for a better first time dentist visit, he didn't have any cavities (luckily) but they said it looked like he had fallen and hit his 2 front teeth because they were cracked. The doctor said they should be okay, worse case scenerio is that they'd had to be capped. I can live with that.... :)

Here's Mav and Whit. Whitlee spent the night for the very first time and did great. Maverik was so excited to have her over and they were so cute in their matching camo. :) Now if we could just get Maverik to spend the night at Whitlee's house. But I don't think I would do that to Shannon, he's such a little pain in the butt when it comes to bedtime. :)
We went up to Pure Entertainment in Wichita on Sunday. Maverik had SO much fun. There were about 7 or 8 infatable bouncy things and Maverik was running as fast as possible to every one. We were there for about 3 hours and Maverik didn't slow down once. I finally made him stop when his hair was all sweaty and his face was red. :) This place was really awesome, it's only $10 per kid and adults get in free. They even have an adult lounge that sells drinks and food. Everyone there was very helpful and extremely nice, you could tell they liked their jobs. We will definately going back, hopefully with some friends. Maverik wanted Gabe, Whitlee and Haylee to be there so bad, but unfortunately they were all busy... Maybe next time.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Here are a few pics of Maverik's 3rd birthday. He loved all of his presents and plays with them all the time now. We had tons of food and tons of cake, with green icing that grandma Peggy wasn't too fond of. :) The kids had green icing all over them by the time it was over. I'm so glad everyone could make it, but Maverik missed his uncle Scott and Gabe. Wished you guys could've made it Dusti! A big thanks to everyone, especially Adam's parents who made the 2 hour trip for a 3 year old birthday party. It's always so good to see you guys, wish we lived closer!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Here are the kids' costumes. Maverik was a zombie, and wore it well, he was actually pretty scary. We got a bunch of crazy looks when we went trick or treating. :) Haylee was the little mermaid and Whitlee was Snow White. We had a fun halloween. We took Maverik down to the Arkalalah parade early that afternoon and he LOVED it! Then Mark and Shannon brought the girls over to get them dressed. We had some pizza and hung out for a while before we took all the kids out to get some candy. All in all it was a pretty good time and Maverik was so excited about the tons of candy he got.

AppleJack Pumpkin Patch

Shannon, Adam and I loaded up a few weeks ago and took the kids to the pumpkin patch. Maverik and Haylee had a blast like they usually do together. Whitlee had fun too but was a little ticked off after going down the big slide as you can see in the bottom corner of the collage. We stayed for about an hour and after running around like crazy kids do, they were all ready for a nap. Maverik fell asleep about 1/2 a mile down the road. It was a lot of fun and it's always good to get the kids together, Maverik loves his cousins so much and talks about them all the time.

Pumpkin Carving Fun

Here's a few Halloween Pics. We had 5 kids and 6 adults at our house that night. Mark and Shannon were watching Jevin and Avery and decided to bring all the kids over to play with Maverik. They had a ball in our tiny little house. Curtis and Barbara showed up around 10pm and decided that everyone needed to carve their very own pumpkin. WOW, what a mess! But all the kids had a great time and they were all hopped up on candy and mt dew when it was time to go to bed, needless to say I think everyone slept in a little the next day. :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New at This

Ok Dusti, here we go, I'm trying this whole blog thing out. So far it looks kind of confusing, hopefully I can find enough free time to figure it out because I love reading yours. :)